Category Archives: Triumph of the Nerds

A movie in three parts about how the nerds become rich with their creations.

Triumph of the Nerds (Triumph of Bill Gates)

Yesterday I finished watching Triumph of the Nerds. I have to be honest, the first part of it might have been the second most boring hour of my life, beaten only by the time I had to watch Narnia – Prince Casbian dubbed to swedish with three of my five younger sieblings. But then, especially in part two (in part three I almost fell asleep, but I think it had more to do with me being up late the night before, than the film being boring) the movie grew a lot. I could actually laugh at the lame 90’s jokes, enjoy the nostalgic intro and boy, did Steve Jobs look good in the 70’s?

I get the reason this film is a part of our course. Being born around the year of 1990 it’s hard to imagine a life without computers and how amazing it must have been, watching the advanced technology moving in to our homes and what a great revolution the PC was, both technically and for the society in big. Also, it was really intersting getting to know more about the actual WAR that took place between IBM, Microsoft, Apple and others long gone forgetten (lost in the war).

I will not call Triumph of the Nerds mind blowing, but rich of depth and interesting. It kind of feels like I now know Jobs, Gates, Wozniak – Steve, not John (big Marcy Playground fan) – and the others and I am impressed by the courage they had at such young age, taking huge risks. Maybe they were just dumb. Today, anyhow, those still alive are incredibly rich. Too bad I’m not a nerd in 1973. At least I shower.

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